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Woman fakes pregnancy to keep her partner, then drugs and kills a mother to steal her baby

Woman fakes pregnancy to keep her partner, then drugs and kills a mother to steal her baby

Woman fakes pregnancy to keep her partner, then drugs and kills a mother to steal her baby

Alison Guadalupe returned home. The 44-day-old girl who had been stolen by two women was handed over by the Prosecutor’s Office to her grandmother and her father, since they killed her mother in order to take her away. It happened in Nogales, Mexico.

The Prosecutor of Sonora, Claudia Indira Contreras Córdovaaccompanied by the mayor of walnut treesJuan Francisco Gim, and the father of the minor, announced the motive for the crime perpetrated on Friday night and the early hours of Saturday, May 7.

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Iris Jazmin pretended to have access to a baby to justify in reality a fictional pregnancyin order to retain their partner.

For this, he carried out a planning that includes the search for possible victims.

In this way, accompanied by her cousin Vanesa, Iris Jazmin arrived from Agua Prieta to Nogales and found in Adriana and little Alison the opportunity to achieve her goal.

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The subtraction of Alison Guadalupe Ayala Lealborn on March 24, 2022, occurred in the La Mesa neighborhood, in Nogales, Sonorawhere the alleged aggressors deprived the life of Adriana, 33 years old, and also attempted against the life of her grandmother, Gabina, 56 years old.

The victims had had contact with the women hours before when they offered to take them in their vehicle after leaving a hospital.

They took them home and left them there. Later, the two women returned with food and drink, which were consumed by their victims, who lost consciousness.

Upon waking up, Gabina realized that she was tied up and saw that her daughter was too, but she was lifeless. She managed to untie herself and ask for help, after realizing that her granddaughter was not there.

From dawn on May 7, a amber alertrequesting the support of the community to locate this little girl, an alert that was also issued at the national level, said the Attorney General of Justice of the State.

The search actions were carried out by land and air in the national territory, and the collaboration of the heads of the United States Consulate General in Hermosillo and Nogales and the United States Customs and Border Protection Office was established.

In addition, there was the collaboration of the land transport lines and airlines based on transit through soundthen the priority was to find the whereabouts of the little girland citizen collaboration was essential.

As a result of the rapid investigations, in less than 24 hours the vehicle where the two women were traveling was located and the faces were obtained through video images, for which work was done to complete their identification.

This made it possible to locate the minor at an address in the city of Agua Prieta, Sonora, for which the Amber Alert was deactivated.

three detainees

Three women were arrested for the crimes of illegal deprivation of the minor, of the femicide of Adriana, and of the aggression against Gabina, the grandmother.

They are Iris Jazmin “N”, 31 years old, originally from Agua Prieta, Sonora, and a commercial employee by trade, who appears as the intellectual and material author of the crime.

Vanesa Lizbeth “N”, 22 years old, also originally from Agua Prieta and cousin of Iris Jazmin “N”, as material co-author of the events.

Maribel “N”, 52 years old, dedicated to the home, native and resident of Agua Prieta, and mother of Iris Jazmin “N., who was present at the time of the arrest in flagrante delicto.

The expert opinion carried out in the Forensic Scientific Laboratory (CIF) in Hermosillo to the body of Adrianaand Alison Guadalupe’s grandmother, tests positive for Benzodiazepine, Alprasolan Y diazepambiorelaxing, sedative, anxiolytic and amnesic medications, which they consumed with food.

This Monday, May 9, the case will be prosecuted, in order to determine the legal status of each of the people listed in the investigation folder.

Nogales City Council will support

The City Council of walnut trees He reported that will bear the funeral expenses of the mother and will offer food, economic and psychological support to the baby’s family Alison Guadeloupe.

“We deeply regret the death of a mother of a family, but we are glad that little Alison Guadalupe has been rescued safe and sound,” said the mayor.

Juan Gim Nogales He accompanied prosecutor Claudia Índira Contreras Córdova at all times, who reported that little Alison Guadalupe was recovered by state investigators in Agua Prieta.

“The excellent relationship we have with the United States immigration authorities prevented the minor from being transported to the United States, until she was located in Agua Prieta, which filled us with great satisfaction, because they managed to find her safe and sound and arrest those who They deprived her of her liberty,” said the mayor. Juan Gim Nogales.

“We are very satisfied with these results and continue to collaborate with the authorities investigating the case, because there may be something more delicate regarding the matter of the girl,” he added.

The governor himself Alfonso Durazo Montano, He was very attentive to the issue and gave instructions to clarify it, and that makes us more attentive to this type of case, he commented.

Juan Gim Nogales recognized and congratulated the Preventive Police and Municipal Traffic, whose elements did their part in this investigative work.

In addition, the prosecutor Claudia Índira Contreras and the president of walnut trees They commented that they will continue to support the family since they are three girls, Alison and two little sisters, who have been orphaned and live in precarious economic conditions.

Source: Elcomercio

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