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AMLO will not attend the Summit of the Americas if the US does not invite all countries

the president of Mexico, Andres Manuel Lopez Obradorannounced this Tuesday that if all the countries are not invited to the Summit of the Americas, he will not attend.

LOOK: AMLO defends Cuba’s right to attend the Summit of the Americas

“If it is excluded, if everyone is not invited, a representation of the government of Mexicobut I would not go, the chancellor would represent me” Marcelo Ebrard, said the left-wing president during his morning press conference.

“I do not want the same policy to continue in America, and I want, in fact, to assert independence and sovereignty and demonstrate for universal brotherhood. We are not for confrontation, we are for brotherhood, ”she emphasized.

Last Sunday, during his visit to CubaLópez Obrador maintained that he would insist to the president of USAJoe Biden, to summon all the countries of the continent to the conclave to be held next month in Los Angeles, California.

The summit, from which USA announced that Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela would be excluded, will emphasize the migration crisis.

The governments of these three countries have had continuous diplomatic friction with the latest US administrations.

The relationships between USA The US and Cuba have become more tense since what Washington describes as a “wave of oppression”, that is, the reaction of the government of Havana after the unprecedented protests of July 2021 on the island, which left one dead, dozens injured and 1,395 detained, according to the Miami-based NGO Cubalex.

On the other hand, the Biden government does not recognize the presidents of Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega, and Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, considering that they were re-elected in fraudulent elections.

Source: Elcomercio

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