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Germany sends anti-tank missiles and mines to Ukraine to fight Russian invasion

Germany sends anti-tank missiles and mines to Ukraine to fight Russian invasion

Germany sends anti-tank missiles and mines to Ukraine to fight Russian invasion

The government of Germany has sent to Ukraine missiles and anti-tank mines to deal with the invasion of Russia, according to information from the magazine “Der Spiegel”, which indicates that the shipment has been confirmed by the Ukrainian authorities.

In the last weeks 2,450 systems for combating tanks of the RGW 90 type have arrived in Ukraine from Germany1,600 mines of the type MD 22 and 3,000 of the type MD31 which have been distributed among the units of the Ukrainian army.

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The RGW 90s were ordered directly by Ukraine from a German arms manufacturer. The mines, on the other hand, come from German army depots, according to the weekly.

before Germany had sent to Ukraine anti-tank weapons and armored vehicles, ammunition and explosives.

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The shipment of heavy weapons that has been promised to Ukraine is delayed by logistical problems.

Ukrainian soldiers are being trained by the German army in the handling of the Panzerhaubitze 2000 artillery system but it is only expected to be shipped to Ukraine in July.

Also the shipment of the Gepard anti-aircraft tanks that was announced a few days ago is delayed due to lack of ammunition.

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has led to a shift in Germany’s arms export policy, which had traditionally vetoed arms exports to crisis regions.

Source: Elcomercio

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