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George W. Bush confuses Ukraine with Iraq when talking about “brutal and unjustified invasions”

George W. Bush confuses Ukraine with Iraq when talking about “brutal and unjustified invasions”

George W. Bush confuses Ukraine with Iraq when talking about “brutal and unjustified invasions”

The former president of the United States George W Bush confused to Ukraine with Iraq speaking about “brutal and unjustified invasions” during an act in Dallas, although he has quickly corrected his mistake and justified himself by stating that he is 75 years old.

Bush denounced that “Russian elections are rigged” and that “political opponents are imprisoned or eliminated to participate in the electoral process.” “The result is an absence of a control system in Russia Y one man’s decision to launch a totally unwarranted and brutal invasion of Iraq”, he added.

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“I mean Ukraine”, clarified the former president. Right now, Bush said in a lower voice “Iraq too” and added that “he is 75 years old”, among the laughter of those present. The Iraq war was launched by the Bush in 2003, two years after the attacks of September 11 and amid criticism about the lack of justification and international support.

During his speech, the former US president also described the president of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, as “a nice guy” and as “the Churchill of the 21st century”, according to the Fox News television network. “The way countries hold elections reflects the way leaders treat their people and the way nations behave toward other nations. Nowhere is it more clearly seen than in the Ukraine,” he concluded.

Source: Elcomercio

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