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Argentina: mother throws her baby out the window to save him from a fire

Argentina: mother throws her baby out the window to save him from a fire

Argentina: mother throws her baby out the window to save him from a fire

A young couple and their 5-year-old son died in a fire on Wednesday morning in Bahía Blanca (Argentina).

According to TN, minutes before the tragedy, the mother threw her 13-month-old baby for sale and managed to save him.

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The neighbors were near the window and managed to rescue him when the mother threw him from the second floor.

The fire occurred in Roca 1820, in a two-story house. At the time the fire started, the family was sleeping.

It was about Michael Hesch27 years old, Michaela Mosmann25, and the little boy, 5, who were unable to leave the house.

“Firefighters are evaluating where the fire started and what product could have accelerated the fire’s spread so suddenly,” he pointed.

The municipal hospital pointed out that the little boy has 5% of his body with burns. In addition, another young man had to be treated, as he collaborated with the rescue and turned out to have minor injuries.

Source: Elcomercio

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