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Rodolfo Hernández: We must “kick out the thieving politicians of Colombia”

presidential candidate Rodolfo Hernandezwho aspires to reach the second round in the elections on May 29, assured that the key for Colombia can get out of poverty “is to kick out the thieving politicians”.

Before a small but fervent group of followers who were waiting for him at the Las Américas hotel in Cartagena de Indiasthe populist independent candidate, who bases his campaign on fighting corruption, said that the thieving politicians are the ones who have them “plunged into poverty”.

LOOK: Rodolfo Hernández, the outspoken populist who runs over in the final stretch of the campaign in Colombia

“But the serious thing is not that, it is that every four years we choose the same thieves again”, express.

Businessman Hernández is a populist independent candidate famous for his aggressive outbursts which has won supporters with proposals focused mainly on the fight against corruption, responsible and austere management of the public treasury and proper administration of the nation.

He recalled that the country has more than 1,500 kilometers on its two coasts and that tourism could be exploited much better, especially in Cartagena de Indias.

LOOK: Colombia Elections 2022: Íngrid Betancourt withdraws her presidential candidacy to support Rodolfo Hernández

“We could have a Monaco like in Europe where a night in a hotel is worth 2,000 dollars (about 8 million pesos) for a cheap room”, express.

Hernández cut the difference as third and approached Federico “Fico” Gutiérrez in the intention to vote for the elections on May 29, according to a survey released this Friday in which the leftist Gustavo Petro is still in the lead and with quite a distance.

Colombia’s independent presidential candidate Rodolfo Hernández speaks alongside former presidential candidate Ingrid Betancourt in Barranquilla, on May 20, 2022. (Jeison Gutiérrez / AFP)

The Invamer poll for Blu Radio, Noticias Caracol and El Espectador, indicates that Petro, from the Historical Pact, is still the favorite although he drops three points and keeps 40.6% of the voting intention, compared to 27, 1% of “Fico” Gutiérrez, candidate of the Team for Colombia.

However, while both candidates maintain a stagnant trend, the “engineer” Hernández, who was mayor of Bucaramanga and who is the head of the League of Governors Anti-Corruption movement, is the one with the most projection, with a rise from 13.9 to 20.9%.


Hernandez said Colombia He has to elect the next president on May 29 and clarified that he had not come to Cartagena to tell them to vote for him, “it would be disrespectful,” but he did speak of his contenders.

De Petro indicated that “he has never worked: he has not worked for 40 years, living off the state.”

“If you are going to vote for Petro, do not think that you are going to vote for Petro, think that they are going to give you the Colombian checkbook, they are going to give you an irrevocable power of attorney so that you go to the international bank and the national bank and continue to withdraw money, and we have to pay the medium and long term”said.

About Gutiérrez, he assured: “’Fico’ is not ‘Fico’” because he represents controversial politicians such as former presidents Álvaro Uribe, César Gaviria and Andrés Pastrana, as well as conservative senator David Barguil or Dilian Francisca Toro, former governor of the department of Valle del Cauca (southwest).

Hernandez He pointed out that Gutiérrez “is the most rancid, oligarchy, conservative and liberal that has these results against the desire for change that Colombians have right now.”

Finally, Hernandez he confessed that this morning he had breakfast with the candidate Ingrid Betancourt and stated that he would receive her and any other of his contenders in his political awnings but without “changing the discourse.”

Source: Elcomercio

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