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Biden assures that the United States will defend Taiwan militarily if China invades the island

The American President, Joe Bidenpromised on Monday to defend militarily Taiwan Yes China intends to seize control of the autonomous island by force, and warned Beijing that it “flirts with danger”.

Biden made those remarks in Tokyo during an official visit to Japan, where he met on Monday with Prime Minister Fumio Kishida. He had previously visited South Korea.

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The US authorities describe Japan and South Korea as axes of Washington’s offensive against the growing commercial and military power of Chinaas well as allies in the Western alliance to isolate Russia after its aggression against neighboring Ukraine.

In a joint press conference, Biden and Kishida took a tough tone on China and advocated their “common vision of a free and open Indo-Pacific (region)” and agreed to monitor Chinese naval activity in the area where Beijing has growing ambitions.

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When Biden was asked if the United States would intervene militarily against Beijing in the event of a Chinese attempt to forcibly take control of Taiwanthe president replied: “It is the commitment we made.”

“We agree with the one China policy, and have signed for it…but the idea that Taiwan should be taken by force is not appropriate,” he added.

China regards Taiwan as a rogue province that should be integrated into the country, by force if necessary.

Beijing replied on Monday that it is willing to defend its national interests in Taiwan.

“No one should underestimate the strong determination, strong will and ability of the Chinese people to uphold national sovereignty and territorial integrity,” Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin told reporters.

Russia “must pay the price”

Biden he also attacked the Russian government, which “has to pay a long-term price” for its “barbarism in Ukraine”, alluding to the harsh sanctions imposed by Washington and its allies.

“This is not just about Ukraine. If sanctions are not upheld in many respects, what signal would we send to China about the cost of an attempt to take over Taiwan by force?” he asked.

On Tuesday, Biden will seek to bolster American leadership in the Asia Pacific region at a summit with the rulers of Australia, India and Japan, the so-called “Quad” group.

However, India has now stood out for its refusal to openly condemn the war in Ukraine, or to reduce its exchanges with Russia. Biden will meet Tuesday alone with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Fears have been present throughout Biden’s Asian tour that North Korea will launch a nuclear-capable missile. or even a bomb, something that did not occur during his visit to Seoul.

But US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan told reporters the threat remains.

“If North Korea acts, we will be prepared to respond. If North Korea does not act, it will have the opportunity, as we have repeatedly said, to come to the table.” of negotiations, he said.

Pyongyang has so far refused US calls for dialogue, officials say, even ignoring offers to help fight a sudden outbreak of Covid-19.

New Economic Framework

During his intense day, the US president also announced the launch of a new economic framework for the Asia-Pacific region that will initially have 13 member countries, including India and Japan, but without China.

“The United States and Japan along with 11 other countries will launch the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework,” Biden said. about the mechanism, which will not be a free trade agreement. This framework provides for integration in four key areas: the digital economy, supply chains, green energy and the fight against corruption.

“The United States and Japan, together with 11 other nations, will launch the Economic Framework for the Indo-Pacific (region)” Biden stated during the press conference with Fumio Kishida.

“It is a commitment to work with our close friends and partners in the region, in the face of challenges to guarantee economic competitiveness in the 21st century,” added the US president, who said he was considering lifting some tariff barriers for China.

The United States has little interest in returning to a binding trade agreement with Asia after former President Donald Trump withdrew from the Trans-Pacific Partnership in 2017.

Biden ended his day with dinner with Kishida and the prime minister’s wife in the garden of an upscale Tokyo restaurant, where they ate sushi and other traditional Japanese food.

Source: Elcomercio

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