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National Rifle Association maintains its convention in Texas despite the murder of 19 children in a school

National Rifle Association maintains its convention in Texas despite the murder of 19 children in a school

National Rifle Association maintains its convention in Texas despite the murder of 19 children in a school

The National Rifle Association (NRA) confirmed this Wednesday that it is going ahead with its annual convention in Houston (Texas, USA), scheduled for this weekend, despite criticism for yesterday’s shooting at a school.

In a statement posted on Twitter, The NRA expressed its “deepest” sympathy for the families and victims of the “horrible and evil crime” at Robb Elementary in Texas, where an 18-year-old man broke in Tuesday and opened fire with a rifle, killing 19 children and two teachers.

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The NRA highlighted in its note that, although investigations into this event are still ongoing, it is the “act of a disturbed lone criminal.”

“As we gather in Houston, we will reflect on these events, pray for the victims, give the floor to our patriotic members, and promise to redouble our commitments to make schools safe.”said the powerful lobbyist.

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Since the Uvalde tragedy, numerous voices have urged the NRA to cancel its annual forum, where former US President Donald Trump (2017-2021) and Texas Governor Greg Abbott, among others, plan to speak.

Abbott was interrupted this Wednesday at a press conference in Uvalde by former Democratic congressman Beto O’Rourke, current candidate for the Texas governor, who told him that this tragedy was predictable.

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Last night, hours after the shooting, O’Rourke urged Abbott on Twitter to cancel his appearance at the NRA convention in Houston.

The “lobby” was also the target of criticism from the leader of the Democratic majority in the Senate, Chuck Schumer, who in an intervention on the floor this Wednesday said that the Republicans care more about pleasing the NRA that of “the families who mourn the victims of violence with firearms.”

Schumer recalled that almost 30 years ago, Congress approved the Brady Act that prohibited assault weapons at the federal level (that law, approved in 1994, expired ten years later when it was not renewed by Congress), which he described as “a great achievement.” legislative”.

However, he assured that Nowadays it is almost impossible to push any regulation forward because of the NRA and the legislators influenced by this lobby group.

The US Congress has spent more than two decades without passing a law that significantly limits the possession of weapons, protected in the Second Amendment of the Constitution.

Besides, the NRA has helped finance the political campaigns of hundreds of members of Congress, both Democrats and Republicans, according to the Open Secrets database maintained by the Center for Responsible Politics.

Source: Elcomercio

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