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United States: Biden orders the police to review their use of force protocols

United States: Biden orders the police to review their use of force protocols

United States: Biden orders the police to review their use of force protocols

The president of United States, Joe Bidensigned an executive order on Wednesday to reform the country’s federal security forces that forces these bodies to review their protocols for the use of force.

Family members of george floydwho died just two years ago asphyxiated by the arresting officer, and Breonna Taylor, who was shot dead by police during a raid on her home in March 2020.

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The executive order comes after the US Senate rejected the George Floyd Police Justice Act, a Democratic Party police reform proposal that failed to win the support of Republican lawmakers.

The new regulation establishes a new minimum standard for the use of force, and prohibits officers from using chokeholds to arrest suspects unless the use of deadly force is authorized.

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It also orders the creation of a database of officers who have received credible allegations of misconduct, managed by the Department of Justice.

The executive order only applies to federal agencies like the FBI or Customs and Border Protection (CBP), as the White House has no direct authority over state or local law enforcement. In the case of Floyd, he died in the custody of the local Minneapolis Police.

The Vice President of the United States, Kamala Harris, also present during the signing, has recognized that the executive order is not a substitute for legislative action, and asked the Senate to approve the George Floyd Police Justice Act.

For his part, Biden recalled the Black Lives Matter protests, which two years ago called for measures against racism and police violence, and promised to continue working to achieve law enforcement reform. .

“This is a start,” defended the president.

Source: Elcomercio

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