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He was 31 years old, led a healthy life and was an athlete, but he died in his sleep

He was 31 years old, led a healthy life and was an athlete, but he died in his sleep

He was 31 years old, led a healthy life and was an athlete, but he died in his sleep

Catherine Keane was a healthy young woman. She was 31 years old and walked 10,000 steps a day. However, her death found her while she was sleeping in her house. Her roommates found her dead in her bedroom. happened in Ireland.

That day the young he didn’t come down for breakfast. That caught the attention of his housemates. When they went to wake her up they found that tragic scenario, Catherine was dead.

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According to the Irish Mirror newspaper, doctors confirmed that catherine keane passed away because of sudden adult death syndrome (SADS).

SADS is a condition in which a person dies suddenly from cardiac arrest and the reason why this happens is not known at this time.

According to the Clarin newspaper, the woman and her friends worked from home in Rathmines, in Dublin. The home office allowed them to have less rigid schedules.

Catherine Keane was 31 years old.

Catherine Keane was a sports loversince he liked to go to the gym, in addition to walking about 10,000 steps a day, so he was considered to have a healthy life.

Margaret Cumminsthe mother of katherinesaid that one of her daughter’s friends heard a noise coming from her room in the early hours of the morning of that June 1, 2021 and believes that it was then that she died.

“I was living with two friends in Dublin and they were all working from home, so nobody really paid attention when I didn’t come down for breakfast,” he said.

“They texted him at 11.20 and when he didn’t reply they checked his room and found out what happened,” he added.

“She worked for an advertising company and was doing very well. She went to the gym and walked 10,000 steps every day. She used to call me while she was out for a walk.” she said she.

Catherine Keane with her mother Margherita.

Catherine Keane with her mother Margherita.

Catherine and I we were very close because it was just us for a long time before I met my husband Fergal and had Sean and Naoise,” she recalled.

“Every day I wake up and think, ‘Oh God, here we go again.’ I try to find something positive to help me get ahead, but there are many things that remind me of her everywhere. Maybe she comforts me a little bit that she left while she slept, she didn’t feel pain and I appreciate that. I never thought that she would lose a child in my life”, he lamented Margaret Cummins.

After what happened with her daughter, Margherita asks parents to evaluate their children and see if there are family history of heart disease.

Source: Elcomercio

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