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Putin was treated for cancer in April, according to US intelligence report

the president of Russia, Vladimir Putinunderwent treatment for advanced cancer in April, according to a US intelligence report confirmed by Newsweek magazine.

In addition, Newsweek claims that three intelligence leaders from USA who have read the reports on Putin they maintain that Russia’s president survived an assassination attempt in March.

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Senior officials said they were concerned that Putin is increasingly paranoid about his grip on poweraccording to Newsweek. However, they believe that it also makes the prospects of nuclear war are less likely.

“Putin’s control is strong, but it is no longer absolute”, argues one of the top intelligence officials with direct access to the reports. “Competition within the Kremlin has never been more intense during his rule, everyone feels the end is near“, it states.

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The three officials – one from the office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI), another a senior retired Air Force officer and another from the Defense Intelligence Agency – warn that the isolation of the Russian leader makes it more difficult for US intelligence to accurately assess his state of health.

“What we do know is that there is an iceberg out there, albeit one covered in fog,” says the DNI official, who contacted Newsweek by email and requested anonymity.

“One of the sources of our best intelligence, which is contact with outsiders, has largely dried up as a result of the Ukraine war. Putin has had few meetings with foreign leaders”, says the DNI official. “Putin’s isolation has increased the levels of speculation,” he says.

For the DNI representative, Putin’s meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron on February 7 at the long table in Moscow was a wake-up call. “There were no handshakes, no warm hugs, and we noticed it,” he said, according to Newsweek.

A long table between Vladimir Putin and French President Emmanuel Macron, in Moscow on February 7, 2022. (SPUTNIK / AFP).

Then came the meeting Putin on April 21 with Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu, this time at a small table. Many focused on Shoigu, who had been missing from the public eye after the start of the war in Ukraine. But it was Putin who drew attention by slouching in his chair and gripping the table with his right hand.

Russian President Vladimir Putin (L) talks with Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu.  (AFP).

Russian President Vladimir Putin (L) talks with Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu. (AFP).

Some observers inferred that Putin suffered from Parkinson’s disease. Others insisted it was just his KGB weapons training, referring to his stiff posture and the way he walked, always with his right arm ready to reach inside a jacket for a weapon. .

“He is healthy”

Last week, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov defended Putin’s good health, saying that no one in their right mind “can see a symptom of illness” in him.

“President Putin appears publicly every day. You can see him on the screens, listen to his speeches. I don’t think people in their right mind can appreciate a symptom of illness in this man“, said Lavrov in a televised interview on TF1 and LCI channels in France.

These statements come after information and speculation in recent months about Putin’s alleged poor health.

Source: Elcomercio

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