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Former Russian agent accused of spy murder dies

Former Russian agent accused of spy murder dies

Former Russian agent accused of spy murder dies

intelligence services agent russians Dimitry Kovtun, who was charged by Britain with the poisoning death of former spy Alexander Litvinenko in London in 2006, has died. He was 57 years old.

Russian lawmaker Andrei Lugovoi, who was also indicted by British authorities for the spy’s death, announced the death on his channel in a messaging app. Logovoi said that Kovtun died on Saturday from an illness stemming from COVID-19. Russian media reports stated that he died in a hospital in Moscow.

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A British investigation concluded that Kovtun and Lugovoi had killed Litvinenko and that Russian President Vladimir Putin “probably approved” the operation.

The European Court of Human Rights upheld the British conclusion.

The Kremlin has categorically denied involvement.

Kotvin and Lugovoi also denied having a role in Litvinenko’s death.

Litvinenko, a former KGB agent and its post-Soviet successor FSB, defected in 2000 and flew to London. There he devoted himself to exposing corruption and Russian intelligence’s ties to organized crime.

In November 2006 he fell seriously ill after drinking tea with two Russians in a London hotel and died three weeks later. The investigation detected polonium-21 in her tea.

Source: Elcomercio

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