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Shooting in Philadelphia leaves at least three dead and 11 injured

Three people were killed and 11 wounded in a shooting Saturday on a crowded street in Philadelphia (northeast of USA), police said.

“We know that fourteen people were shot and taken to hospitals. Three of those individuals, two men and one woman, were pronounced dead after arriving at hospitals with multiple gunshot wounds.” police inspector DF Pace told the press.

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The police who responded to the incident “He observed several people shooting in the crowd.”

“There were hundreds of people enjoying themselves in South Streetas it happens every weekend, when the shooting started”Pace said.

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The person in charge added that the security forces shot one of the assailantsbut it was unclear if he was hit.

According to local media, there were no arrests.

Pace said two weapons were found at the scene, and police would have to wait until morning to review surveillance camera footage from stores in the area that were closed Saturday night.

Source: Elcomercio

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