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Rodolfo Hernández proposes a 10-hour working day for public officials in Colombia

Rodolfo Hernandezcandidate for the Presidency of Colombia, opened a discussion on the number of hours of the working day for public officials. In a Facebook Live with his running mate for the Vice Presidency, Marelen Castillo, said that he will have a government with ten hours of work that will start at 6 in the morning and end at 4 in the afternoon. “It’s not getting to drink red wine and talk straw, talk on the cell phone, go to the bathroom, no, working from 6 in the morning until 4-5 in the afternoon, let’s see,” Hernández said. He added that there will be half an hour for lunch.

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With his announcement a controversy was opened because his opponents took the opportunity to interpret that he is going to change the working day.

Indeed, Gustavo Petroits competitor, said: “The 10-hour work day is nothing more than exploitation of the worker and the worker as was done in the nineteenth century, the era of savage capitalism. There is a certain economic leadership with its candidate, who wants to lead the people into a new slavery”.

However, other sectors interpreted that the engineer’s proposal is only for public employees. And there is also another aspect that he considers refers exclusively to his work as president of the Republic and for his government team.

The proposal was made last Sunday, June 5, during a live broadcast in which he outlined what his style of government will be.

Hernández said: “What he has to do is get up from 4 in the morning” and start work from 6 in the morning.

“It’s not getting to drink wine and talk straw, talk on the cell phone, go to the bathroom, no, working from 6 in the morning until 4-5 in the afternoon, let’s see,” he said Hernandez.

The aspirant for the movement League of Anti-Corruption Rulers He also stated that it is preferable that the exit from the offices does not coincide with peak hours “so as not to increase the traffic jam” in the cities.

“We have to do that, and half an hour for lunch, because more than half an hour would be enough for them to eat bocachico full of thorns so they would spend more time,” he added.

in the conversation marelen castle He told Hernández “he is not going to let me sleep because of the Colombians.”

”We are going to work for Colombia, from 6 in the morning to 4-5 in the afternoon. It is to be defined. For the 4 calendar years to become almost 6 years, that is, they pay us 4 years and we convert that time, working with that intensity, between 5 and a half and 6 years”, said Hernández.

Source: Elcomercio

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