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They detect the first case of monkeypox in Venezuela

They detect the first case of monkeypox in Venezuela

They detect the first case of monkeypox in Venezuela

The Ministry of Health of Venezuela reported this Sunday on the detection of the first case of monkeypox in the country, diagnosed in a patient who entered, from Spain, through the Simón Bolívar de Maiquetía International Airport, which serves Caracas.

“The patient who entered the country from Madrid, Spain, had contact with two infected in the city of Barcelona, ​​​​in the European nation”, The Ministry of Health detailed in a message published on its Twitter account, in which it indicated that the patient underwent relevant tests, which yielded positive results.

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The Venezuelan health portfolio indicated that, given the suspicion, the patient, about whom he did not offer more information, “He was immediately isolated.”

“The pertinent tests were carried out and a sample was taken, showing a positive result with stable health conditions”added the agency.

The Venezuelan Ministry of Health assured that it is investigating the chain of infections in the case, in order to “establish an epidemiological fence”.

The monkey pox it has been endemic for at least 40 years in West and Central African countries.

Despite the fact that isolated cases had previously been registered in other regions, until then always linked to people who had traveled to the African continent, this year there has been a more widespread outbreak in several non-endemic countries.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recorded, until this Monday, 780 confirmed cases in recent weeks in non-endemic countries, 88% of them diagnosed in Europe.

Laboratories have confirmed this pathogen in 27 countries not belonging to endemic regions, with the United Kingdom as the country with the most infections (207), followed by Spain (156), Portugal (138), Canada (58) and Germany (57). .

More than a dozen cases have also been registered in the United States, Belgium, France, Italy and the Netherlands, as well as two infections in Argentina, one in Mexico and one in Brazil, according to data received by the WHO from the networks. national health.

Source: Elcomercio

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