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Anthony Fauci, US chief epidemiologist, tests positive for coronavirus

Anthony Fauci, US chief epidemiologist, tests positive for coronavirus

Anthony Fauci, US chief epidemiologist, tests positive for coronavirus

America’s chief epidemiologist, Anthony Faucitested positive for coronavirus and is experiencing mild symptoms, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), which he chairs, reported Wednesday.

81 years old, Fauci has been vaccinated against covid-19 and has received two booster doses in line with the recommendations of the US health authorities.

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According to the NIAID, Fauci took an antigen test and it came back positiveso it has been isolated from the rest of the Administration members and will continue to work from home.

The epidemiologist has not recently been in direct contact with US President Joe Bidenadds the statement.

Fauci has become the most popular face of the pandemic in USA with numerous interventions on radio and television programs to answer questions and try to combat the misinformation that circulates about covid-19.

He is the leading US expert on infectious diseases and has advised seven presidents, including Biden and his predecessor, Donald Trump (2017-2021), with whom he had notorious differences over the strategy to combat the pandemic.

Source: Elcomercio

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