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Tragedy in Texas: Migrants killed in a trailer were sprayed with steak seasoning to disguise their smell

Tragedy in Texas: Migrants killed in a trailer were sprayed with steak seasoning to disguise their smell

Tragedy in Texas: Migrants killed in a trailer were sprayed with steak seasoning to disguise their smell

At least 50 migrants, 22 of them Mexican, were found dead in and around an abandoned truck on the side of a road in San Antonio, Texasa tragedy that put Mexico in mourning and that the White House described this Tuesday as “horrible and disheartening.”

According to the San Antonio police chief, William McManus, the authorities were alerted for the first time at 17:50 local on Monday.

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“An employee in one of the buildings behind me heard a cry for help”McManus told reporters Monday from the scene. The employee went to investigate, found the container with the doors partially open, opened it and found the bodies and the 16 migrants who managed to survive. It is presumed that the driver after seeing the inside of the box fled, leaving the doors ajar.

According to the newspaper Texas Tribunewhich quoted a law enforcement official, apparently people tried to jump out of the trailer, because bodies were found throughout several blocks, near the vehicle. When the police arrived, they found a dead body outside the truck.

LOOK: Tragedy in Texas: they confirm that there are 22 Mexicans among the migrants found dead in a truck in San Antonio

Even though the trailer had a cooling system, it didn’t seem to work.

The Tribune also said that many of the people found inside the trailer appeared to have been doused with steak seasoning, perhaps in an attempt to disguise the scent of the people who were being trafficked.

The police chief of Saint AnthonyWilliam McManus, reported that there are three people detained, who were not at the scene, but did not give more details.

Source: Elcomercio

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