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Airbnb permanently bans parties and events worldwide

Airbnb permanently bans parties and events worldwide

Airbnb permanently bans parties and events worldwide

airbnb has permanently banned the parties and home events it hosts on its platform.

The measure was imposed temporarily during the pandemic, but it turned out very popular with hoststhat is, those who make their houses available.

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The company says this rule has become “much more than a public health measure” since it was introduced in August 2020.

“It has become a fundamental community policy to support our hosts and their neighbors,” said the company based in San Francisco, USA.

However, Airbnb also said that would eliminate the limit of people who can stay in a houseanother measure that was imposed during the pandemic and that contemplated that the maximum number of occupants per lodging should be 16 people.

Regarding the ban on parties, the company explained that after applying this rule in 2020, the number of complaints about this aspect was reduced by 44%.

“The temporary ban has proven its effectiveness and today we are officially codifying the ban as our policy,” says the statement.

Even so, airbnb it is suggested that in the future There are exceptions to this measure.specifically for “conventional hospitality and sector spaces”. Regarding the limit of people who can stay in a lodging, the company imposed the occupant limit due to current concerns about the spread of covid-19.

Now he assures that there are “different types of larger houses that can comfortably and safely house more than 16 people, from castles in Europe, vineyards in the United States or large villas facing the Caribbean Sea.”

“Removing this limit is intended to allow those hosts to responsibly use the space in their homes while complying with our ban on disruptive parties.”holds the document.

The company began imposing restrictions on parties in 2019. He banned “open door” parties, where whoever wanted to go, many times after seeing the call on social networks.

They also prohibited the so-called “chronic party houses”, places where this type of event was recurrent and which were a nuisance to the neighbors.

But it was during the pandemic that Airbnb introduced an indefinite ban on parties “for the sake of public health.”

Also the accounts of more than 6,000 registered users on the platform were suspended as guests in the past year after breaking Airbnb’s rules.

“This new long-term policy has been enacted to encourage and support community safety,” Airbnb said.

“We look forward to sharing more updates in the coming weeks about our efforts to implement this Community Party Policy.”

Source: Elcomercio

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