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“I gave them my blessing and told them, succeed”: family and friends mourn the dead migrants in the truck in Texas

“I gave them my blessing and told them, succeed”: family and friends mourn the dead migrants in the truck in Texas

“I gave them my blessing and told them, succeed”: family and friends mourn the dead migrants in the truck in Texas

Honduran Margie Tamara Paz Grajera, 24, and her partner and countryman, Alejandro Miguel Andino Caballero, 23, are mourned today by their compatriots from the Adventist Educational Center (CEA), a secondary institution in the department (state) of Cortés , northwest of Honduras and bordering with Guatemala.

As undocumented migrants, Margie and Alejandro died in the trailer in Texas along with 27 Mexicans, 14 Hondurans, seven Guatemalans and two Salvadorans. and whose bodies, with 16 seriously injured, were discovered on Monday in the vehicle and its surroundings in Saint Anthony.

LOOK: Trailer driver where 51 migrants died pretended to be a survivor, but has already been arrested

“With all my heart I can tell you that I remember both of you with much love and that They were one of those people who transmit peace and joy to you.” Honduran Josie Hernández wrote on Facebook.

“I share the pain with each of the people who were able to meet these two exceptional human beings, a lifetime of knowing them and that I was able to share with them.”, he added.

Body bags lie at the scene where a trailer truck with bodies was discovered in San Antonio, Texas. (AP Photo/Eric Gay)

Crying out for “God to have them in his holy glory”, Josie stressed that they are “angels who are in heaven today.”

“We will remember their smiles, mischief and ingenuity, our ‘Ceistas’ friends. Praying your families and friends. Strength in God”, Honduran David Velásquez wrote on Facebook.

LOOK: Tragedy in Texas: Police reveal how they discovered the bodies of the 50 migrants in an abandoned truck

Two other Hondurans—Fernando José Redondo Caballero, 18, Alejandro’s brother, and Adela Betulia Ramírez Quezada, 28—also perished.

Margie, Alejandro and Fernando began their journey on June 4explained Karen Caballero, mother of Alejandro and Fernando, in statements to the Honduran newspapers La Prensa and El Heraldo: “They undertook the trip with expectations of surpassing themselves”said.

Karen accompanied her sons and daughter-in-law to the La Mesilla post, in the northwestern Guatemalan department of Huehuetenango and the border with Ciudad Cuauhtémoc, Chiapas.

There they said goodbye, he recalled through tears: “No one imagined that something like this would happen. I gave them my blessing and told them: succeed.”

“Only Saturday [25 de junio] we lost communication [con los tres]. They told me ‘mom, we’re fine’. They told me how long the trip took. They told me ‘mamita, I love you, I miss you’. They asked me how is grandpa, how is everyone?he recalled.

On Tuesday “in my desperation I contacted a person to find out if my children were in the hospital, because I had a feeling since I saw the news” of the trailer, he said. The person asked for photographs of Alejandro and Fernando and confirmed “that they were my children.”

Like thousands of Guatemalans, Hondurans and Salvadorans, the three migrated due to lack of job opportunities.

Betulia Machado, Adela’s aunt, told La Prensa that her niece was going to Los Angeles, California, to reunite with her mother, Gloria Adelina Machado Quezada, and her sisters.

Source: Elcomercio

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