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Panama will eliminate the mandatory use of masks in open and closed areas

the president of PanamaLaurentino Cortizo, announced this Friday that the use of the mask will no longer be mandatory from next July 11 in open and closed spaces throughout the country, which to date accumulates 8,364 deaths from covid-19 and 921,364 cases.

When rendering his annual management report before Parliament, Cortizo said, however, that the sanitary measure of the use of the mask will be maintained in public and private health facilities, as well as in public transport.

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Panamawhich is facing a prolonged fifth wave of the pandemic marked by a slight rise in hospitalizations, already approved last March to eliminate the use of face masks in open spaces or outdoors as long as there are no crowds, a measure derived from the drop in cases and deaths from covid.

The 69-year-old Panamanian president stressed that Panama has received “international recognition” for its immunization process against covid-19, which has carried 8,396,284 doses of vaccines applied since January 20, 2021 in this country of 4.2 million inhabitants.

Immunization coverage in those over 5 years of age is at least 87.8% with the first dose; 78.5% with the second dose, and 51.9% with the first booster dose that is applied to the segment of 16 years and older, according to official data.

This vaccination strategy has guaranteed immunization “to all Panamanians” and has been a “determining factor for economic reactivation,” said the head of state.

“36 months ago no one could have foreseen what we have experienced during the last 28 months, the toughest challenge that any government has had in the history of our country. In this storm of storms there was and is no rest,” he declared.


In his report for the third year of management before the National Assembly (AN, Parliament) with a large pro-government majority, Cortizo defended the transparency and management of his administration, and reiterated his commitment to fight against poverty and inequality, as well as to resolve socio-economic and health problems of the country.

He took stock of the contributions of a social nature “to the most vulnerable” made by his Government throughout 2021, through “economic relief” and subsidies, a policy that has been questioned by some sectors, such as business.

The total of these economic subsidies destined to the relief of the cost of living in 2021 was 2,263 million dollars, he specified.

Regarding citizen security and the fight against organized crime and drug trafficking, Cortizo said that there will be “no truce or possible negotiation”, strengthening technology, intelligence and operations throughout the country.

In this sense, he highlighted that so far in 2022, 800 operations have been carried out against organized crime and drug trafficking and 65 tons of drugs have been seized.

“If we continue at this rate, we are on our way to surpassing the historical drug seizure record of 128.7 tons seized in 2021,” he presumed.


Cortizo confirmed that next Sunday he will travel to the United States, to undergo a medical evaluation after being diagnosed with “intermediate risk myelodysplastic syndrome”, and that he will be back on the 9th.

Myelodysplastic syndrome is a group of diseases in which the bone marrow does not make enough healthy blood cells.

The president informed the country of his condition on June 21, when he explained that his doctors recommended a second specialized evaluation with molecular biology tests, which will be carried out in Houston, Texas.

“I feel honored to lead the country in these exceptional circumstances and I am convinced, I have faith in God, that I will reach the end of my term with the satisfaction of having fulfilled my duty. There is no adversity that a Panamanian cannot overcome”, affirmed the president before the full parliament.

Source: Elcomercio

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