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Mayor of London says there is still a “danger” for the LGBT+ community

Mayor of London says there is still a “danger” for the LGBT+ community

Mayor of London says there is still a “danger” for the LGBT+ community

the mayor of Londonlabor Sadiq Khanstated this Saturday that there is still a “danger” for the LGBT+ community, in statements to local media at the start of the Gay Pride celebration.

“We are back after the last two and a half years. This year is the 50th anniversary of Pride, celebrating this community, celebrating the progress made but also continuing the campaign and never feeling complacent,” the politician said.

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The Labor mayor recalled the shooting at an LGBTI nightclub in Oslo last week, which killed two people and injured 21.

Khan alluded to that incident, which led to the cancellation of the pride parade in that city, to make a call to “be aware of the fact that there is still a danger for this community of discrimination, bias and violence. But allies like myself are really important to support this community.”

“Today we are going to march for an open, inclusive and accepting world. Today we march for those in Oslo, for those who have not made the progress that we have made,” he said.

And he added that the march is also about “love”: “I am very clear, here, in this great city, we should be a banner of inclusion, of openness, but also a place where one can be free to be who they want and free to love who wants to love”.

Source: Elcomercio

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