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Ukrainian Army announces its withdrawal from Lysychansk, which means the definitive fall of Lugansk in Russian hands

Ukraine announced this Sunday the withdrawal of its forces from the city of Lysychansk, the last stronghold of kyiv in the eastern region of Luganskshortly after Russia announced the taking of the city.

“After intense fighting for Lysychanskthe Armed Forces of Ukraine were forced to withdraw from their occupied positions and lines,” The General Staff reported on its Facebook account.

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He explained that, “In conditions of remarkable superiority of the Russian occupation forces in artillery, aviation, multiple rocket launch systems, ammunition and personnel, the continuation of the defense of the city would have fatal consequences.”

“In order to preserve the lives of Ukrainian defenders, the decision was made to withdraw,” he pointed.

The General Staff assured that, in any case, “the fight continues” against Russia.

“Unfortunately, the will of steel and patriotism are not enough for success: material and technical resources are needed”he emphasized in an indirect request to the West to speed up the supply of modern weapons to kyiv.

“We will come back and we will definitely win!”, the Ukrainian military command insisted.

Source: Elcomercio

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