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Shooting in Denmark: preventive detention in a psychiatric hospital for the author of the attack in a shopping center

Shooting in Denmark: preventive detention in a psychiatric hospital for the author of the attack in a shopping center

Shooting in Denmark: preventive detention in a psychiatric hospital for the author of the attack in a shopping center

Judge of the District Court of Copenhagen ordered this Monday the entry into preventive detention in a closed psychiatric unit for 24 days of the detainee in relation to the shooting on Sunday in a Copenhagen shopping center that left three dead and four seriously injured.

The man, a 22-year-old Danish citizen is charged with three counts of murder and another seven counts of attempted murder, as well as violating article 192 of the penal code, relative to weapons crimes.

LOOK: Shooting in Copenhagen: the author of the attack in a shopping center is a 22-year-old Dane

The three dead are a 17-year-old woman and a 17-year-old man, both Danes, and a 47-year-old Russian citizen residing in Denmark.

The four seriously injured, one in critical condition, are two Danish women, aged 19 and 40, and a 16-year-old teenager and a 50-year-old man, both Swedish.

Also, the shooting left another 23 slightly injured, three of whom were treated for possible stray bullets at the scene, after which they were transferred to their homes.

In the pre-trial hearing, which lasted almost two hours, the prosecutor Søren Harbo read the charges against the defendant, who did not want to speak in the presence of the press, present only for the first few minutes.

At the beginning of the hearing the judge announced the prohibition of disclosing the personal data of the accused, as well as of the fatalities and the seriously injured.

The defendant, blond and dressed in a blue shirt, arrived at the room escorted by three agents, kept calm and looked around from time to time.according to the Danish network TV2.

The police reported, at a press conference this morning, that sees no signs of terrorism and maintains the accusation of murder against the suspect, who apparently has mental health problems.

The first information about the shooting in the district of Amagerlocated between the city center and the airport, were received by the police at 5:35 p.m. local time on Sunday, after which they sent reinforcements to the area.

The defendant was arrested at 5:48 p.m. outside the Fields Mall and He had a rifle and ammunition with him.

About 650 meters from the shopping center is also the Royal Arena pavilion, where the British singer Harry Styles was scheduled to hold a concert, which was later suspended.

Meanwhile, the shopping center fields announced today that it will remain closed until July 11.

Source: Elcomercio

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