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“Massive” bombings on the city of Sloviansk, Russia’s next big target in Ukraine

“Massive” bombings on the city of Sloviansk, Russia’s next big target in Ukraine

“Massive” bombings on the city of Sloviansk, Russia’s next big target in Ukraine

The city of Sloviansk, next objective of the Russian forces in the east of Ukrainesuffers a “massive” bombardment, its mayor announced on Tuesday, who asked the inhabitants to take refuge.

“Slovyansk! Massive bombardment of the city. The center, the north. Everyone take refuge Vadim Liakh, the mayor of this city of about 100,000 inhabitants before the war, said on Facebook.

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Ukrainian authorities repeatedly urged civilians to leave the region. The front line is only a few kilometers after the fall of Severodonetsk and Lysychansk.

At least six people have been killed and 19 wounded since Sunday in shelling against Slovyansk.

Slovyansk and Kramatorsk, the regional administrative center, still in the hands of the Ukrainians, are the next targets of the Russian forceswho continue with their offensive, with which they want to seize the entire region of the donbasin the east of Ukraine.

Slovyansk It was already for a few months in 2014 under the control of pro-Russian separatists, who fight alongside Moscow troops.

Source: Elcomercio

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