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Spain’s plan so that thousands of foreigners can work legally in the country

The government of Spain is working on a draft to reform a regulation that opens new opportunities for foreigners to work legally and, although this does not imply a total regulation of their situation, it is an advance to facilitate an economic income for the nearly half a million irregular immigrants who They live in European country.

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The Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration promotes a modification of the Immigration Law with the aim of incorporating thousands of foreign workers into the labor market. The measure aims to fill vacant positions in sectors where there is a shortage of labor and bottlenecks are generated that hinder the operation of companies, including transportation, construction, hotels, software developers, among others.

Several people wait to enter the Azca employment office, on July 4, 2022, in Madrid, Spain.

Among the novelties present in the draft, the possibility that foreign students can acquire a job stands out, in addition to measures that simplify the bureaucratic process to obtain the necessary papers to present themselves in job vacancies.

According to official data, Spainwith one of the highest unemployment rates in the euro zone (13.65%), has 109,056 unfilled jobs and 69% of employers report that they have difficulties filling vacancies.

This reform would help improve a situation that is already a reality in the country: most of the adults in an irregular administrative situation are working, especially in household activities – 27% – and hospitality – 24% -, according to to the text of the NGO organization Por Causa.

The Minister of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration, José Luis Escriva, stressed that this reform responds to the need to “build a national consensus, as other countries in our environment have done in recent years, which allows addressing medium-term problems , without forgetting the immediate remains” and generates a “consensus that should help us face the demographic challenge and guarantee the sustainability of our Welfare State”.

“The changes will be aimed at improving and making legal migration authorization more flexible, whose current system is not responding to the needs of the labor market,” added the official.

insufficient measure

There are those who criticize the reform because they fear that the government “instrument” to migrants and only agree to recognize their rights for strictly economic reasons, reported the Spanish media Public.

The jobs in which there are more vacancies in Spain include hotels, transportation, construction, among others.

The jobs in which there are more vacancies in Spain include hotels, transportation, construction, among others.

On the other hand, organizations and entities dedicated to improving the living conditions of migrants and refugees advocate a more ambitious reform that includes “a relaxation of the requirements for the family reunification of immigrants, the promotion of visas to seek employment and facilitate the reintegration into the labor market of applicants for international protection such as asylum”, detailed the EFE agency.

The organization Andalucía Acoge, which made contributions together with other entities through a legal report to the Government’s draft, considers that the reform constitutes “an opportunity and has positive aspects”.

However, it raises the need to go further since the amendment “continues to reinforce the idea of ​​linking immigration and the labor market”, when “these people must be recognized as full citizens beyond the market situation. labor”.

The latest report on the extraordinary regularization of migrants by the NGO Por Causa, between 475,000 and 514,000 undocumented migrants reside in Spain, a figure that grew by 16% in the last year. In this group, the vast majority are Latin American, with a pre-eminence of women, youth and children. Only 11% of irregular migrants are African.

Source: Elcomercio

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