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NATO begins its nuclear deterrent exercises, amid tensions with Russia over atomic threats

NATO begins its nuclear deterrent exercises, amid tensions with Russia over atomic threats

NATO begins its nuclear deterrent exercises, amid tensions with Russia over atomic threats

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) began its regular nuclear deterrence exercises on Monday, in a context of tensions with Russia by Moscow’s veiled threats to use atomic weapons to defend its territory.

the military alliance insisted that it is a “recurring and routine training”, which will last until October 30and that it had been planned before Moscow invaded Ukraine in February, so it is not related to the current situation.

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The exercise includes B-52 long-range bombers. In total, about 60 planes they will carry out training flights over Belgium, the United Kingdom and the North Sea.

The general secretary of the NATO, Jens Stoltenbergrejected any request to cancel the drill after the Russian president Vladimir Putin intensify its nuclear rhetoric.

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“It would be a very wrong signal if we suddenly canceled a long-planned routine exercise due to the war in Ukraine,” Stoltenberg said last week.

The NATO states that it has not detected any change in the nuclear posture of Russia despite the harshest language of the government of that country.

Source: Elcomercio

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