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Bolsonaro took advantage of Lula and surpassed him for the first time in a key region, according to a new poll

The former president of Brazil Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva he is still the wide favorite to win in the presidential ballottage on October 30 against the current president, Jair Bolsonaroaccording to the latest survey of voting intentions by the Ipec firm, although he reduced the advantage by two percentage points and leads in a key Brazilian region.

The public opinion study of the company belonging to the Globo media chain revealed that the leader of the PT (left) accumulates 50% of the intention to vote compared to 43% of his right-wing opponent, an advantage of seven percentage points for The ex-president. Regarding the last measurement of this survey, on October 10, Lula down one point and Bolsonaro went up one point.

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The percentage of the electorate that declared their intention to vote blank or null remained at 5%, while those who were undecided hovered around 2%. Therefore, if the valid votes are observed in a calculation similar to the one carried out by the Electoral Justice, Lula would reach 54% of the votes against 46% of Bolsonaro.

Brazil’s former president and presidential candidate Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva speaks during a presidential debate ahead of the second round of elections, in Sao Paulo, Brazil. (REUTERS/Mariana Greif/)

In the two previous Ipec polls, which were published one and two weeks ago, the PT candidate had 55% of the votes compared to 45% for the current president.

Likewise, the last survey registered a new decrease in the proportion of Brazilians who would not vote at all for Bolsonaro (48% to 46%) or by Lula (42% to 41%).

Key region of Bolsonaro

This latest Ipec investigation marked an eventual triumph for Bolsonaro in the southeast of Brazil, a region that concentrates the richest and considered conservative states, and reversed the trend that positioned it as the loser.

The candidate of the Liberal Party (PL) surpassed the former president Silva in intention to vote with 46% compared to 44%.

The electoral map of Brazil after the first round.

The electoral map of Brazil after the first round.

In the latest poll, the leftist was leading Bolsonaro with 48% against 44%. It is the first time that opinion polls from the second round show that a trend has reversed.

The southern and southeastern states, where the metropolitan areas of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Belo Horizonte are located, proved to be mostly Bolsonaristas in the first round.

These regions were a crucial bastion of victory that led to Bolsonaro to the presidency in 2018.

The results of this new study are published one day after the first face-to-face exchange between the candidates in a televised debate in which they exchanged attacks on the pandemic and crossed accusations of corruption and fake news.

Source: Elcomercio

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