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British Conservatives announce they will have a new leader by October 28

British Conservatives announce they will have a new leader by October 28

British Conservatives announce they will have a new leader by October 28

The British Conservative Party will conclude the process of electing its new leader by October 28, Graham Brady, chairman of the 1922 committee of the “Tory” parliamentary group in the House of Commons, in charge of organizing the internal elections, said Thursday.

Brady told journalists that it will therefore be possible for there to be a new head of government before the 31st of this month, the Minister of Economy, Jeremy Huntpresent his medium-term fiscal plan, with which he will reverse the economic strategy of the prime minister Liz Trusswho announced his resignation today.

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“I have spoken with the party president, Jake Berry, and he has confirmed that it will be possible to hold a vote and conclude a leadership election by Friday, October 28,” said Graham Bradyafter visiting Truss in Downing Street.

“Therefore, we should have a new leader before the fiscal declaration that will take place on the 31st″, he added.

Brady will soon specify how the internal elections will be held so that they can be concluded within a period of just one week.

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Truss She became prime minister on September 6, after winning a primary election that began after her predecessor on July 6, Boris Johnsontender his resignation.

Source: Elcomercio

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