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The Police had to intervene: pitched battle between mothers at the door of a school in Argentina

The Police had to intervene: pitched battle between mothers at the door of a school in Argentina

The Police had to intervene: pitched battle between mothers at the door of a school in Argentina

A situation of generalized violence was experienced at noon yesterday at the door of the Abelardo Vázquez 4-133 secondary school, located in San José, Guaymallén, mendozawhen a group of student mothers staged a fight that began with shouting and insults and ended in a pitched battle.

The images, which only show less than a minute of the confrontation, were recorded by the students themselves and allow the discussion between a dozen women to be observed.

First, there are two who are braided and the situation becomes generalized with group and individual confrontations on the street, while students and other relatives observe the situation in astonishment and, in some cases, try to separate the women who fight.

After the confrontation, the school authorities called 911 so that police officers would guard the exit of the students and teachers, since some were threatened by their mothers.

Meanwhile, according to the newspaper El Sol, the school issued a statement in which it clarified that “those who fought at the school door would be family members and not students from the campus.”

They also indicated that it was requested that police custody continue today, Friday, and that classes were going to be taught normally. “Only the presentation of a sample that 5th-year students had to carry out was suspended,” they detailed.

For its part, the General Directorate of Schools (DGE) of Mendoza explained that “these would be clashes between gangs that would not involve school personnel.”

Source: Elcomercio

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