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Venezuela: torrential rains affect more than 1,000 houses in the state of Zulia

Venezuela: torrential rains affect more than 1,000 houses in the state of Zulia

Venezuela: torrential rains affect more than 1,000 houses in the state of Zulia

More than 1,000 homes have been affected in the state of Zulia, in the northwest of Venezuelaso far in October due to the heavy rains that have occurred in the country, the director of Civil Protection for that region, Benito Mendoza, told EFE on Tuesday.

The rainfall, which can last six consecutive hours in the state, has collapsed the drainage systems of various sectors, which has caused houses to be flooded, where the water level has risen up to five centimeters above the ground, explained the official.

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“This causes refrigerators and people’s belongings to be affected. we have that problem”, assured Mendoza, who maintained that the rainfall has not generated a “very big tragedy” as in other areas of the country, due to the fact that the authorities have maintained the dikes of several rivers that run through the state.

In Zulia, educational centers, shops and agricultural crops have also been affected.

On the other hand, in the state of Sucre (northeast), where rains have been recorded for 48 consecutive days, some 4,700 people and more than 1,150 homes have been affected, the governor of this coastal region, Gilberto Pinto Blanco, said on Tuesday in a telephone contact with the state channel VTV.

Venezuela It has experienced intense rainfall in recent weeks that have left numerous landslides and floods in almost all regions, in addition to two landslides in the center of the country that caused the death of at least 58 people.

Source: Elcomercio

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