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Biden warns Putin that a nuclear attack on Ukraine would be an “incredibly serious mistake”

Biden warns Putin that a nuclear attack on Ukraine would be an “incredibly serious mistake”

Biden warns Putin that a nuclear attack on Ukraine would be an “incredibly serious mistake”

US President Joe Biden warned Russia on Tuesday not to use a nuclear weapon in war with Ukrainepointing out that such an escalation would be a serious mistake.

When asked by journalists if he thinks Russia is preparing an attack with “dirty bomb” which he would later blame UkraineBiden said: “Russia would be making an incredibly serious mistake if it used a tactical nuclear weapon.”

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Russia said this week that Ukraine could use a supposed “dirty bomb” in its own territory.

A “dirty bomb” is a conventional bomb mixed with radioactive, biological, or chemical materials that are spread in an explosion.

USA and its allies suspect that Russia could use a dirty bomb in a “false flag” attack, possibly to justify Moscow’s use of conventional nuclear weapons, since it is at a disadvantage in eastern and southern Ukraine.

Biden said Tuesday: “I’m not guaranteeing it’s a ‘false flag’ operation yet. We do not know”.

Source: Elcomercio

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