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Paul Pelosi’s assailant yelled “where’s Nancy?” after breaking into his house

The aggressor of the husband of the president of the House of Representatives of the United States, Nancy Pelosihe yelled “Where’s Nancy?” she after breaking into her house in San Francisco (California) this Friday, where she attacked the husband of the Democratic politician Paul Pelosiaccording to US media.

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Paul Pelosi, The 82-year-old was attacked when he was at the family home in San Francisco by an individual who entered the building and assaulted him “violently,” House Speaker Drew Hammill’s spokesman said in a statement.

The victim was taken to the hospital to be treated and is expected to recover “fully”, while the individual who entered his house was arrested, although he has not yet been identified by the authorities.

Nancy Pelosi She was not in the house when the search and attack on her husband took place.

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“The president and her family are grateful for the rapid response of the emergency services and health professionals and request privacy at this time,” Hammill’s statement concluded.

The event occurs eleven days before the mid-term elections in the US.

It is not the first time that the husband of Nancy Pelosi it’s news. Last August he was convicted of drunk driving in May when he was involved in a traffic accident, an event to which he pleaded guilty in a California court.

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The husband of the Speaker of the House of Representatives was sentenced to perform 8 hours of community service and pay a fine of 5,000 dollars to restitute the damages caused to the driver of the vehicle he collided with, as well as another 2,000 dollars to the court.

The judge in the case sentenced Pelosi to five days in jail that he will not have to serve, since the hours he spent in the dungeon after the accident were deducted and because the judge considered that he had behaved well.

Source: Elcomercio

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