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Two Canadians Arrested for Giving Cannabis Candy to Kids Trick or Treating on Halloween

Two Canadians Arrested for Giving Cannabis Candy to Kids Trick or Treating on Halloween

Two Canadians Arrested for Giving Cannabis Candy to Kids Trick or Treating on Halloween

Two Canadians were arrested in the Canadian province of Manitoba for handing out candies containing cannabis in Halloweenwhile a child involved in a similar incident in the city of Vancouver ended up in hospital, police said Wednesday.

The two adults a 63-year-old man and a 53-year-old womanallegedly delivered jelly beans mixed with THC, the psychoactive compound of cannabis, to more than a dozen children and young people who asked for sweets with ages between the ages of 6 and 16, reported the police in the city of Winnipeg, Manitoba.

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The edible products of cannabis (and the dope) can be legally purchased from authorized dealers in Canada for recreational use, but only for adults.

“I am upset about what happened, as a father”, dsaid Winnipeg Police Officer Dani McKinnon at a news conference.

“As a police officer, unfortunately, I am not surprised,” he added, urging parents to check the bags of candy their children received.

Winnipeg couple face 13 charges each of cannabis distribution to minors, illegal distribution of cannabisbodily harm, and administration of a noxious substance with intent to endanger life.

Meanwhile, in a suburb of vancouver, an 11-year-old boy was taken to the hospital on Monday after unknowingly eating Halloween treats containing THC. In that case, police were unable to identify who had given the child the candy.

Source: Elcomercio

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