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Pope Francis: Canceling women from public life impoverishes society

The dad stated this Sunday that “A society that cancels women from public life is impoverished” and lamented that women must constantly fight for their rights, when answering a question about the protests in Iran during a press conference on board the plane on his way back from his trip to Bahrain.

Sitting on a chair, due to his knee problems, Francisco He responded for an hour to the questions of the journalists who traveled with him, and regretted, although without making reference to Iran “that women always have to fight for their rights” and assured that it is something that she carries “always in her heart”.

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“You have to tell the truth, the fight for women’s rights is a continuous fight because in some places it has achieved equality and in others it has not reached”said Francisco, who recalled the petitions of women in his country to be able to vote in the 1950s.

In this regard, he harshly condemned the practice of genital mutilation of girls that is carried out in some African countries, which he described as “something terrible for humanity”.

“The failure to stop this is a criminal act,” he added.

“We have to keep fighting because women are a gift”Francis underlined, for whom “A society that is not capable of putting a woman in her place is not moving forward” and added: “There are great women who have changed the economy because women know how to change things in another way, which is not different from that of men but complementary.”

praised that “women have their own path to solve things and that women work for the common good, with that intuition that only women have” And by the way, he highlighted that in the Vatican departments where a woman enters “things get better”.

MORE INFORMATION: Pope Francis asks in Bahrain for respect for human rights and rejection of the death penalty

He stressed that it is not just the need for a “equal rights, but equal opportunities” and lamented: “We still have a way to go because there is a lot of machismo.”

”I come from a macho town and we Argentines are macho and this is something very ugly. This machismo that murders humanity”he added.

In Bahrainthe pope asked the authorities of the country “rights and fair and better conditions for workers, women and youth” throughout the Persian Gulf region, as well as “the recognition of women in the public sphere, in education, at work, in the exercise of their own social and political rights”.

Source: Elcomercio

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