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Woman jailed for recording and selling videos of sexual abuse of her baby

Woman jailed for recording and selling videos of sexual abuse of her baby

Woman jailed for recording and selling videos of sexual abuse of her baby

A guarantee control judge Colombia sent to preventive detention a woman of Venezuelan nationality accused of sexually abusing her baby, recording these events and selling the videos on the Internet.

The investigation that led to his capture is led by the Antioquia Sectional Prosecutor’s Office, which identified a foreigner accused of subjecting her 20-month-old baby to sexual acts in a house in the Mirador neighborhood, in Beautiful (Antioch).

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In the process, evidence was collected indicating that, apparently, the woman undressed and videotaped the acts she committed against her little daughter to spread them on virtual platforms with other foreigners and receive money in return.

In fact, on October 21, several of the videos were revealed, which led to the immediate start of an investigation and the activation of the protocol to guarantee care for the victim and the restoration of their rights.

That was how, in a joint action with the Police, the mother was captured and a prosecutor from the Comprehensive Care Center for Victims of Sexual Abuse (Caivas) charged her with the crimes of abusive carnal access with minors under 14 years of age aggravated and pornography with people under 18 years of age.

Given the strength of the evidence presented, a judge imposed a custodial measure on him in a prison; in the other side, The baby was handed over to the Colombian Family Welfare Institute (ICBF) for her protection.

Source: Elcomercio

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