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Rumeysa Gelgi, the tallest woman in the world, traveled by plane for the first time

Rumeysa Gelgi, the tallest woman in the world, traveled by plane for the first time

Rumeysa Gelgi, the tallest woman in the world, traveled by plane for the first time

Rumeysa Gelgithe tallest woman in the world, traveled for the first time by plane, on a journey that lasted approximately 13 hours from Turkeycountry where he lives, to San Francisco, in USA.

LOOK: What is Weaver syndrome, the condition that affects the tallest woman in the world

Gelgi is 24 years old and at 2.15 meters tall she was listed as the world’s tallest living woman by Guinness World Records earlier this year.

Turkish Airlines was the airline in charge of allowing the flight to the woman who, according to the British newspaper Daily Mail, had to remove six seats on board one of her planes and replace them with a stretcher specially designed for Gelgi.

“This was my first flight, but it sure won’t be my last. From now on, I will be very honored and happy to fly to different parts of the world with @turkishairlines. A sincere thank you to each of the people involved in my journey, ”the woman wrote on her Instagram profile.

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Gelgi traveled to the United States with the intention of advancing his professional career (software development) and also to promote different events related to the Guinness World Records to promote various events.

The tallest woman in the world suffers from Weaver syndrome, a condition that not only causes rapid growth but also other health problems.

Due to her condition, Rumeysa spends most of her time in a wheelchair. However, she can move for short periods with the help of a walker.

According to the Orphanet medical portal, Weaver syndrome is a rare multisystemic disorder characterized by tall stature, typical facial appearance, and variable intellectual disability. The syndrome is caused by mutations in a gene and its condition can be confirmed by molecular genetic testing. In Gelgi’s case, the syndrome also caused scoliosis and physicals.

By: “El Tiempo”, from Colombia / GDA

Source: Elcomercio

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