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Lula gets emotional, cries and says that he “never” expected that hunger would return to Brazil

Lula gets emotional, cries and says that he “never” expected that hunger would return to Brazil

Lula gets emotional, cries and says that he “never” expected that hunger would return to Brazil

The elected president of Brazil, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silvawas moved this Thursday by stating that “Never” thought that famine would return to the country and stated that his “mission will be accomplished” Yes “every citizen returns to breakfast, lunch and dinner” every day.

Excuse me”, he said when interrupting his speech at a meeting with parliamentarians with his eyes full of tears, and remembering that he made that promise that all Brazilians can eat every day two decades ago, on January 1, 2003, when he took office power for the first time.

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We promised and we delivered”but “We never imagined that hunger would return” and that it would affect, as it happens today, some 33 million Brazilians, declared Lulawho defeated the current president in the elections held on October 30, Jair Bolsonaro.

According to the president-elect, the country has returned to that situation “due to lack of commitment” of rulers such as the leader of the extreme right, who “never cared” with the poorest.

People have been made to suffer to guarantee such fiscal stability.”, by “people who say all day that you have to cut costs” Y “leave poor people out of the macroeconomics discussion”he declared.

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Brazilian President-elect Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva cries during a meeting with politicians from the transition teams at the Banco do Brasil Cultural Center in Brasilia, on November 10, 2022 (Photo: Sergio Lima / AFP)

He also assured that the government that will begin on January 1 will be guided by “credibility, political, economic, legal and social stability” Y “predictability, because society cannot be taken by surprise”.

It also guaranteed that, economically, it will maintain the same parameters of “fiscal responsibility” he had while in power between 2003 and 2010, and insisted that “will govern for all”, but that will take care “priority of the most needy”.

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As promised in his campaign, he stressed that it is also necessary “discuss the world of work” and review a harsh reform of labor laws approved in 2017, which ended a series of rights and guarantees that protected workers.

Today we have millions who work like slaves, without any guarantee or forecast for the futureSo it is “imperative” That “discuss capital and labor in the 21st century”without abdicate rights that give security to the humblest worker”, said.

Source: Elcomercio

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