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Colombia: half of Colombians approve of Petro’s management, according to a survey

Colombia: half of Colombians approve of Petro’s management, according to a survey

Colombia: half of Colombians approve of Petro’s management, according to a survey

100 days after coming to power, the president Gustavo Petro has the approval of half of Colombians, according to a survey revealed this Saturday.

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49.7% of those interviewed were in favor of the management of the first leftist president of Colombianoted the signature invader.

In relation to October, the approval of Petro rose 3.7 percentage points.

The political call of “full peace”with which the president intends to dismantle armed groups of all kinds, is the most popular government proposal (51.2%).

Increase taxes to finance social programs (65.3%) and legalize the recreational use of cannabis (57.1%)projects promoted by official congressmen, are among the most rejected.

invader consulted 1,200 Colombians in the main cities of the country. The survey has a margin of error of 2.8%

The leftist leader succeeded the conservative in power ivan dukewho ended his government with a 27% approval rating.

Source: Elcomercio

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