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New evacuations in the island of Evia and north-west of Athens due to fire

Greece again in the grip of fires. Firefighters and water bombers were fighting two new fires on Monday in the south of the Greek island of Evia, once again struck by the fire, and in the north-west of Athens.

On the island of Euboea, in the east, the forest fire was moving towards the seaside resort of Marmari, 200 km northeast of the Greek capital, where the authorities were preparing an evacuation of the population by boat, according to the Greek news agency Ana.

New fires in a country ravaged by fires this summer

This new forest fire broke out on Monday morning, two weeks after the fire ravaged more than 50,000 hectares in the north of the island.

On Monday noon, a second fire broke out in Vilia, about sixty kilometers northwest of Athens, in a dense forest that had already burned for six days last week before the blaze was brought under control on Saturday.

Greek police decided to stop traffic on part of the highway in this area and evacuated two villages as a precaution.

“The battle against fires continues, wherever there is a front,” government spokesman Yannis Oikonomou said on Monday. Civil protection announced on Sunday a “very high risk” of fires for Monday in many regions of Greece.

116,000 hectares have gone up in smoke in Greece since the end of July

In total, more than 116,000 hectares have gone up in smoke in Greece since the end of July, giving rise to scenes of the apocalypse. Hundreds of homes and small businesses have been destroyed in Evia, parts of the Peloponnese and the greater outskirts of Athens. Three people lost their lives as a result of these fires.

“We have already started to repair the damage and provide practical support to those affected,” said Yannis Oikonomou.

Firefighters deployed by the hundreds, with foreign reinforcements, remained mobilized in the face of the risk of a resurgence of fires on the island of Euboea, the region hardest hit by these fires, and in the region of Arcadia, on the peninsula. from the Peloponnese, very strong winds are expected.

The increasing fires across the globe are associated with various phenomena that scientists have warned against due to global warming.

According to them, repeated heatwaves are an unequivocal marker and heat waves are expected to multiply, last longer and intensify: an ideal combination for the appearance of fires.


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