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US denounces recent Russian attacks in Ukraine as “war crimes”

The attacks of Russia to civilian infrastructure Ukraine constitute a campaign of “terror” and “war crimes”, after their failure on all battlefronts, the chief of the General Staff of USA.

The general Mark Milley He also told a news conference that Ukraine is unlikely to be able to militarily expel Russia from all the territory it occupies.

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Russia “imposes a campaign of terror, a campaign of maximum suffering on the Ukrainian civilian population, to defeat morale”, he stated.

Many of the recent Russian attacks on Ukraineincluding the bombardment with dozens of missiles on Tuesday, targeted the country’s energy infrastructure.

“Deliberately attacking the civilian power grid, causing excessive collateral damage and unnecessary suffering to the population, is a war crime.”asserted milley.

These attacks on civilian infrastructure followed a series of failures by Russian troops on the front lines.

The Ukrainians have achieved success after success. And the Russians have failed every time. They lost strategically, they lost operationally, and I repeat, they lost tactically.” said the general.

However, he noted that the chances are low that Ukraine militarily achieve a prompt expulsion of Russia of all its territory.

“The probability of a Ukrainian military victory, driving the Russians out of all of Ukraine including…Crimea, the probability of that happening soon, is not high,” Milley said, though he pointed out that there might be a solution. policy for withdrawal from Moscow.

Source: Elcomercio

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