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Lula da Silva says that it is not time to “judge” the choice of Qatar as the World Cup venue

The elected president of Brazil, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silvaaffirmed on Friday that this is not the time to “judge” the choice of Qatar as the venue for the World Cup that begins on Sunday.

“I don’t know what the criteria were for choosing Qatar. In any case, we cannot judge the criteria. It has already been chosen, it has already been decided.” Lula declared in Lisbon after a meeting with the Portuguese Prime Minister, Antonio Costa.

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“The teams are summoned, they are already training. What we want is for the players to play well to give us all a show.” Lula added.

Following its designation at the end of 2010 as the venue for the World Cup, Qatar it has been the target of numerous criticisms, including allegations of corruption to win, abuses of migrant workers, and respect for the rights of women and LGBTQ people and the environmental impact of the tournament.

On the sporting front, Lula stated that he “sincerely” and “humbly” believed that his country would win the Cup.

“After 20 years, it is time for Brazil to be world champion again,” he declared at a press conference with the Portuguese ruler.

Source: Elcomercio

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