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Biden warns of growing threats against the LGBTQI+ community in the US.

Biden warns of growing threats against the LGBTQI+ community in the US.

Biden warns of growing threats against the LGBTQI+ community in the US.

A few hours after the mass shooting at an American nightclub that killed at least 5 people, the president Joe Biden assured this Sunday that there is an “epidemic” of attacks against the LGBTQI+ community.

“Gun violence continues to have a particularly devastating impact on LGBTQI+ communities across our country, and threats of violence are on the rise,” the president said in a statement.

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The incident occurred in the municipality of Colorado Springs at an adult venue called Club Qwhich hosts cross-dressing shows, among other activities, and is being investigated as a possible hate crime.

A 22-year-old man identified as Anderson-Lee Aldrich He is being held as the alleged perpetrator of the shooting in which at least 5 people have died and 18 more have been injured, some seriously.

“While the motive for this attack is still unclear, we know that the LGBTQI+ community has been subjected to horrific hate violence in recent years,” pointed Biden.

The president recalled what happened in Orlando in 2016, when 49 people who attended a Latino party at the gay-friendly Pulse nightclub were killed in a shootout at the hands of security guard of Afghan origin Omar Mateen, who swore allegiance to the Islamic State before of being shot dead by the police.

“We saw it six years ago in Orlando, when our nation suffered the deadliest attack to affect the community. LGBTQI+ in United States history. We continue to see it in the epidemic of violence and murder against transgender women, especially transgender women of color.” remembered Biden.

The president said that “it happens too often” that the places that “they are supposed to be safe spaces of acceptance and celebration” they turn into “places of terror and violence”.

“We must eliminate the inequities that contribute to violence against LGBTQI+ people. We cannot and should not tolerate hate.” said Biden, who insisted on the need to “addressing the epidemic” of “armed violence in all its forms”.

The Colorado Spring event occurred around midnight Saturday. As explained by the Police, an alert call was received at around 11:56 p.m. local time (06:56 GMT on Sunday) and a few minutes later several patrols went to the scene.

The suspect, who was subdued by some of those present at the club, was arrested and later taken into custody. The police chief, Adrián Vásquez, specified that the assailant entered the club and immediately began shooting at the attendees.

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“While the suspect was inside the club, at least two heroic people confronted him, fought him and were able to stop him from continuing the killing,” added.

The injured were transported in private vehicles to various hospitals.

At least two firearms have been found at the scene. Aldrich used a long rifle during this shooting and police are investigating whether other people assisted the suspect.

Through Facebook, the Club Q declared “devastated by this senseless attack” to the community.

Source: Elcomercio

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