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The lives of many minors are in danger during the protests in Iran

The lives of many minors are in danger during the protests in Iran

The lives of many minors are in danger during the protests in Iran

Iran seems more interested in increasing its production of enriched uranium – to 60%, figure which far exceeds the 3.67% of international agreements – than in protecting the most defenseless. According to the agency Europe Pressof the approximately 300 people killed by the repression during the protests for the murder of Mahsa Aminiat least 40 were minors.

As recalled, the demonstrations began on September 17after amini died three days after being arrested by the morality police for not dressing “properly”. And since then, they have been participating in these marches teenagers of both sexes, as recognized by Yousef Nouri, the Iranian Minister of Education.

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What is the official version? By October 12, Nouri maintained that, after being arrested, the students were sent to “psychological institutions“to be re-educated and prevent behaviors”antisocial”.

The problem is that if they don’t die on the street because of bullets Y shotIt seems that in these centers they lose their lives because of beatings.

CNN notes that, according to one of its sources, these reeducation institutions “do not provide psychological and psychosocial support to children” and that they insist on “wash them” brain.

Claims on deaf ears

By mid-October of this year, the United Nations They were already raising their voices for the health of minors.

Ravina Shamdasani, spokesperson for the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rightsdenounced the “continued unnecessary and disproportionate use of force against protesters”, and reminded the Iranian government that it was obliged to “protect the right to life of children in any circumstance, as well as to respect and protect their right to freedom of expression and peaceful demonstration”.

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The request fell on deaf ears, despite the fact that there was already information about the death of 23 boys and girls.

Today, according to other sources, they would be “about 50 children” the deceased.

One of them is Kian Pirfalak, nine years old. The “ABC” portal recalls that “the boy was traveling in a car with his father, Maysham, when a group of people from the Iranian security forces shot at them”.

Artin Rahmani, 14 years old, was also assassinated. “This land, for me, meant no benefit. However, I am ready to die for her!”, wrote the teenager in instagram.

With the death of Kian and that of Rahmani they are already, according to the human rights organization Iran Human Rightsmore of 43 the minors who, since last September 16 when the protests began in Iran, have died at the hands of the Iranian security forces”, adds “ABC”.

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history repeats itself

It is not the first time that law enforcement Iran They kill teenagers. In the 2019 protests, they died at least 23 minors. And the investigations reveal a terrible scenario.

International Amnesty remember:

In 10 cases, Amnesty learned from the description of the injuries on the death or burial certificates it reviewed, or from information received from credible sources, that the deaths had occurred as a result of gunshot wounds to the head or torso, which which indicated that security forces were shooting to kill

It is not the only thing to fear.

In Iran, the death penalty can be applied to minors.

One of those affected by that law was Sajad Sanjari, who was arrested in 2010 at age 15. What happened? Sanjari murdered a man who tried to rape him, but by 2012, he was sentenced to die. Nearly a decade later, on the morning of August 2, 2021, he was hanged without notifying their relatives.

AI argues that, between 2005 and 2015, Iran executed 73 minorswhile, according to the UN, “there are at least 160 minors in the death row”. “The true figure is likely to be much higher as information about the use of the death penalty in Iran is often shrouded in secrecy”, sentences the NGO.

Source: Elcomercio

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