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Judge refuses to annul elections in Brazil and imposes a million-dollar fine on Bolsonaro’s party for “litigation in bad faith”

Judge refuses to annul elections in Brazil and imposes a million-dollar fine on Bolsonaro’s party for “litigation in bad faith”

Judge refuses to annul elections in Brazil and imposes a million-dollar fine on Bolsonaro’s party for “litigation in bad faith”

The Liberal Party (PL), the formation of Jair Bolsonarowill have to pay a fine of 22.9 million reais (about 4.3 million dollars) for requesting the annulment of the presidential votes last October, according to a decision of the Superior Electoral Tribunal (TSE) released this Wednesday.

The fine was ordered by the president of the highest electoral authority, Alexander de Moraesafter rejecting the party’s request for Bolsonaro and point out that the conduct of the formation was a “litigation in bad faith”.

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The claim filed by the Liberal Partywho supported the candidacy of the leader of the extreme right to re-election, questioned 61% of the electronic ballot boxes used in the second round of the elections, held on October 30.

Upon request, the TSE responded that it could only analyze the matter if doubts were also raised in relation to the electronic ballot boxes during the first round, since in both cases the same devices were used.

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In that first round, the legislative ones were also held, in which the Liberal Party He obtained 99 deputies, which will give him the first minority in the lower house as of next year.

This Wednesday, the formation admitted that in the first round of the elections it did not find “problems” at the pollsbut reiterated that there were in the second and insisted on a “verification” of the votes that gave Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva victory.

According to the president of the TSE, the petition does not have any indication that justifies the revaluation of a part of the ballot boxes.

“The total bad faith of the plaintiff in his extravagant and unlawful request, ostensibly offensive to the Democratic Rule of Law and carried out in an inconsequential manner with the purpose of encouraging criminal and anti-democratic movements (…) was proven, both by the refusal to add the initial request, and by the total absence of indications of irregularities and the existence of a totally fraudulent narrative of the facts.”pointed out the magistrate in his decision.

In the presidential runoff Lula was imposed with 50.9% of the votes, compared to 49.1% that obtained Bolsonaroin a process endorsed and recognized as transparent by all the national and international observer missions that participated.

Given the order of the highest electoral authority, the PL announced that it had already activated its legal advisors to analyze the decision of the TSE.

Source: Elcomercio

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