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Ephemeris of November 24: This happened in the world on a day like today

Ephemeris of November 24: This happened in the world on a day like today

Ephemeris of November 24: This happened in the world on a day like today

On November 24, 1963, Lee Harvey Oswald, the alleged assassin of US President John F. Kennedy, is shot dead by Jack Ruby while in police custody.


1820.- Signed the Treaty of Benegas that put an end to the war between Buenos Aires and Santa Fe.

1859.- “The Origin of Species” is published by Charles Darwin.

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1932.- The FBI Technical Crime Laboratory is founded in United States.

1948.- The Venezuelan President Rómulo Gallegos is overthrown by a coup.

1949.- The “Iron and Steel Act” is enacted in Great Britainby which the steel industry is nationalized.

1963.- Lee Harvey Oswald, alleged assassin of US President John F. Kennedy, is shot dead by Jack Ruby when he was guarded by the police.

1969.- Apollo XII returns to Earth, manned by commanders Conrad, Bean and Gordon, after the first two had set foot on the lunar surface. It is the second time that US astronauts have landed on the Moon.

1974.- American paleoanthropologist Donald Johanson discovers Lucy’s fossil remains in Ethiopiaa female of the species Australopithecus afarensis, 3.2 million years old.

1978.- Coup in Bolivia led by General David Padilla.

1985.- 60 people die and 26 are injured in the assault of an Egyptian commando on the hijacked Boeing 737 the day before and diverted to Valletta (Malta) airport.

1989.- The Central Committee of the Italian Communist Party approves Achille Occhetto’s plan for the refoundation of the party.

1994.- Isaac Rabin and Yasser Arafat receive the Prince of Asturias Award of International Cooperation.

1994.- The French winemaker Jean-Michel Boursiquot identifies a unique Carmenere vine in the Chilean vineyards of Viña Carmen and different in the world, which was believed to be extinct.

1999.- Agreement between the European Union and Mexico for a free trade agreementthe broadest negotiated by the EU.

2001.- The Heads of State and Government of the 21 Ibero-American countries sign the Declaration of Lima, within the XI Ibero-American Summit.

2002.- Lucio Gutiérrez wins the presidential elections in Ecuador.

2003.- Snowflake, the only white gorilla in the world, dies in Barcelona.

2004.- The Chilean justice seizes the assets of Augusto Pinochet for 4.2 million dollarsat the request of Judge Sergio Muñoz who is investigating his secret accounts at Riggs Bank.

2007.- Labor Kevin Rudd puts an end to eleven years of Conservative government by winning the elections in Australia.

2013.- Presidential elections in Honduras. Victory for Juan Orlando Hernandez.

2016.- The Government of Colombia and the FARC sign the peace agreement ending the 52-year armed conflict.

2017.- At least 300 dead in an attack on a Sufi mosque in Sinaiin the largest attack in Egyptian history.

2021.- 27 immigrants die in a shipwreck in the English Channel when trying to get to the UK from France.


1713.- Junípero SerraSpanish Franciscan missionary.

1794.- Juan Cruz VarelaArgentine poet and politician.

1864.- Henri Toulouse-LautrecFrench painter and poster artist.

1908.- Liberty LamarqueArgentine actress and singer.

1927.- Alfredo Kraus, Spanish tenor.

1954.- Emir KusturicaBosnian film director.

1970.- Julieta VenegasMexican singer and songwriter.

1990.- Sarah HylandAmerican actress.


1927.- Ion BratianuRomanian statesman.

1929.- Georges Benjamin ClemenceauFrench statesman.

1957.-Diego Rivera, Mexican muralist painter.

1991.- Freddie MercuryBritish singer and songwriter.

2005.- Pat MoritaAmerican actor.

2006.-Robert McFerrinAmerican baritone.

2011.- Antonio Bussiformer Argentine general.

Source: Elcomercio

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