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Lukashenko urges Ukraine to negotiate with Russia or it will be totally destroyed

Lukashenko urges Ukraine to negotiate with Russia or it will be totally destroyed

Lukashenko urges Ukraine to negotiate with Russia or it will be totally destroyed

The president of belarusAlexandr Lukashenko, urged Ukraine to negotiate a settlement with Russia to put an end to the conflict and warned that, otherwise, it will be totally destroyed.

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“This must be stopped, this must be put an end to, because what will follow will be the total destruction of Ukraine,” the president told a group of Russian journalists on the sidelines of the post-Soviet Collective Security Treaty Organization summit, held this Wednesday in Yerevan.

His statements were broadcast by the Telegram channel Pul Pervogo, which is attributed to the press service of lukashenko.

The president, who stressed that he does not want to put pressure on the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelenskypointed out that “everything depends on Ukraine” when answering a question about the possibility of signing a peace treaty between kyiv and Moscow.

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“If (in Ukraine) they don’t want people to die, a huge number of people, the conflict must be stopped”he insisted.

The Belarusian president admitted that this is “hard, difficult, complicated, but necessary if they (Ukrainians) want to recover.”

“The Government of Ukraine has every chance to bring the situation back to normal, to settle the situation in such a way that the demands of the Russian side are met and thus put an end to all possible suffering of the civilian population.” ”said today in turn the spokesman of the Kremlin, Dmitry Peskov.

Source: EFE

Source: Elcomercio

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