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Von der Leyen accuses Putin of terrorism and war crimes in Ukraine

Von der Leyen accuses Putin of terrorism and war crimes in Ukraine

Von der Leyen accuses Putin of terrorism and war crimes in Ukraine

The president of the European Commission (EC), Ursula von der Leyen, accused the Russian president on Thursday, Vladimir Putinof terrorism and war crimes for the recent attacks against infrastructure in Ukraine aimed at punishing the civilian population.

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“The Ukrainian people, due to Putin’s barbaric terrorist attack on the country’s civilian infrastructure, must face this coming winter without electricity and, in many places, without running water”said Von der Leyen at a press conference held in Finland.

“Because of you, the babies, their parents and grandparents are freezing in the dark. I strongly condemn these barbaric attacks, they are war crimes.” added.

The EC president showed her solidarity with the Ukrainian people and pointed out that the European Union (EU) “is by their side in these difficult times and will be there for as long as necessary”.

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She also stated that she was sure that the Ukrainians will be able to overcome this tragedy, because “they are strong and their cause is just.”

According to Von der Leyenthe EU is working “at full speed” on a ninth package of sanctions against Russiawhich will include limiting the price of Russian oil, to try to hit Putin “where it hurts” and further weaken his war capacity.

“I am sure that very soon we will approve a global price cap for Russian oil together with the G7 and other important partners,” said.

He also sent a message of hope to kyiv and maintained that the EU will not rest “until Ukraine have triumphed over putin and their illegal and barbaric war.”

Source: Elcomercio

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