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AMLO is willing to go to Peru for the Pacific Alliance summit

AMLO is willing to go to Peru for the Pacific Alliance summit

AMLO is willing to go to Peru for the Pacific Alliance summit

The Mexican President, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO)said this Friday that he was “willing” to go to Lima to hold the presidential summit of the Pacific Alliance that he suspended in Mexico due to the refusal of the Peruvian Congress to allow President Pedro Castillo to attend.

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Lopez Obradorwho is reluctant to travel abroad, explained in his daily press conference that he has consulted the issue with the presidents of Chile, Gabriel Boric, and Ecuador, Guillermo Lasso, who seeks to join the commercial bloc of Mexico, Chile, Colombia and Peru.

“A very good meeting yesterday with him, with President Guillermo Lasso, and we agreed that we are going to wait for what is resolved, what President Castillo himself proposes, what President Boric proposes, today we are going to talk with President (Gustavo) Petro (of Colombia) on the subject as well, and I would be willing to go to Lima to hand over the presidency,” express.

The summit in Mexicotemporary president of the Pacific Alliance, had raised expectations for being the first time that the four presidents that make up the bloc are from the left.

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But AMLO expressed his disagreement with the Peruvian Congress for preventing the attendance of Castlewhom he has called before to express his “support” and “solidarity”.

For this reason, the president revealed that he has asked his counterparts to manage the possibility of holding the meeting of presidents in Lima.

“About the meeting of the Pacific Alliance we are in that, he (Boric) is going to talk precisely with the president of Peru, with Pedro Castillo, I think that next week, I asked him to consult there among themselves to see what works out.” Indian.

Despite the suspension of the summit, AMLO he met on Wednesday with Boric, on Thursday with Lasso and this Friday the meeting with Petro is scheduled.

Although Ecuador is not a member of the bloc, the president of Mexico It has expressed its intention for it to join, but the trade agreement between the two countries has not yet been finalized.

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“President Lasso told me yesterday that he is willing to go to Peru”he added.

The Pacific allianceformally constituted 10 years ago and which seeks to strengthen trade integration, boasts of being “the eighth economic power and the eighth exporting power worldwide”, representing 41% of the gross domestic product (GDP) of Latin America and attracting 38 % of foreign direct investment.

The foreign minister of Mexico, Marcelo Ebrard, informed on Thursday of the possible accession of Costa Rica, Ecuador, Canada, South Korea, Singapore and Honduras.

Source: Elcomercio

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