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“Holodomor: 90 years of the genocide of the Ukrainian people”, by Rostyslav Yavorivskyi

“Holodomor: 90 years of the genocide of the Ukrainian people”, by Rostyslav Yavorivskyi

“Holodomor: 90 years of the genocide of the Ukrainian people”, by Rostyslav Yavorivskyi

Holodomor It’s a term ukrainian What does starvation mean? It is the name attributed to the national tragedy that claimed millions of lives. Famine did not arise as a result of natural disasters, drought, or crop failure. It was part of a deliberate policy of the Stalinist-communist regime whose goal was the physical elimination of Ukrainians.

LOOK: Holodomor: what the great famine in Ukraine was like and why it continues to cause resentment towards Moscow almost a century later

Every year, on the fourth Saturday of November, Ukraine honors the memory of the victims of the Holodomor of 1932-1933 and of the massive artificial famines of 1921-1923 and 1946-1947.

In the year 2006, by the Law of Ukraine, the Holodomor of 1932-1933 was recognized as a genocide of the Ukrainian people.

The Holodomor of 1932-1933 was a famine policy provoked by the Soviet regime against the people of Ukraine. The Holodomor corresponds to the definition of genocide according to Article II of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.

After Josef Stalin concentrated all the power of the Soviet Union in his hands in the late 1920s, he introduced totalitarian policies that Ukrainians resisted. As a measure of total subjugation, Moscow carried out a genocide by forcibly seizing grain and other food from Ukrainians, especially those living in villages.

The exact number of victims of the Holodomor genocide is difficult to determine because the communist regime went to great lengths to hide its crimes. But according to the data of scientists, at least 3.9 million people died of hunger in Ukraine in 1932-1933; another 600,000 were unborn victims. Thus, the accumulated demographic losses are estimated at 4.5 million lives.

Stalin starved millions of Ukrainians to death as part of his genocidal policy in the Ukraine. By destroying Ukraine’s agricultural infrastructure and undermining the work of the Black Sea grain deal, Putin is now using food as a weapon to implement his aggressive political agenda in the world.

A story that repeats itself

As during the Holodomor of 1932-1933, Russia is now repeating the genocide against the Ukrainian people.

Russia’s goal both in this war and during the Holodomor was and remains the elimination of Ukrainian identity and of the Ukrainian nation as such. To achieve this, Russia tries to break the will of the Ukrainians to resist, using a wide range of terrorist tools.

Just like during Soviet times, today Russia actively pursues the assimilation and Russification of Ukrainians in the occupied Ukrainian territories. To eliminate Ukrainian identity, culture and language, Russia kills and deports Ukrainians and destroys Ukrainian infrastructure, including grain warehouses and elevators.

The Soviet regime committed the Holodomor of 1932-1933, while the Russian regime started the Hunger Games in the world.

Millions of Ukrainians lost their lives to the Holodomor. As a result of the ongoing Russian war against Ukraine, people in other parts of the world are experiencing severe food shortages. Hundreds of millions of people in Africa and Asia may suffer from the destruction of agricultural infrastructure and Russia’s blockade of grain exports from Ukraine. Before the ongoing invasion, Ukraine covered 47% of the world market for sunflower, 17% for barley, 14% for corn and 10% for wheat. In countries such as Lebanon, India, Iraq and China, specific agricultural products from Ukraine accounted for more than 50% of imports.

Just like 90 years ago during the Holodomor, Russia is once again stealing grain and other products from the occupied territories in Ukraine. Russia sells this grain on the world market, earning money to further finance its aggressive war against Ukraine.

The international community must not repeat the mistakes of the past. The world didn’t stop the Holodomor 90 years ago, but it can stop Russia from starving people in the most vulnerable regions.

We must restore historical justice, that is, recognize the Holodomor of 1932-1933 as the genocide of the Ukrainian people and prevent Russia from further committing war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide.

To date, 17 countries, including Peru (Official of June 21, 2007 from the Congress of the Republic №2682-2006-2007-DDP-M/CR) have recognized the Holodomor as a genocide at the parliamentary level, 9 at the regional level and 21 countries established a memorial dedicated to the Holodomor.

*Rostyslav Yavorivskyi is charge d’affaires of Ukraine in Peru.

Source: Elcomercio

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