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The murders of women lead the statistics of violence in Venezuela

The murders of women lead the statistics of violence in Venezuela

The murders of women lead the statistics of violence in Venezuela

Every 37 hours, a woman dies at the hands of feminicides in Venezuelawhere the general rates of violence have dropped considerably, while the murders of women are increasingly bloody in a country with insufficient laws to eradicate this scourge.

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In the first nine months of the year, 175 women died as victims of their husbands, boyfriends or ex-partners, according to the NGO Utopix, which alerts monthly on the fatality of these attacks. This is a wave confirmed by the Prosecutor’s Office, whose records show a thousand femicides in the last five years, and the count continues to rise.

On the Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, feminist organizations from Venezuela They underline the obstacles that those who survive attacks, often revictimized in State institutions, must overcome, and the need to promote comprehensive public policies that address the problem from all areas.

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The numbers, in context

According to independent estimates, the country registered almost 20,000 murders in 2016, the highest peak in the violent spiral that has since begun to descend. The same did not happen with femicides, which have grown by more than 50% in the last six-year term.

In the first six months of this year, non-governmental organizations recorded 620 murders, of which 111 were women victims of sexist violence. In this way, the decrease in homicides has revealed feminicides as the main annihilating force today.

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Without being articulated or knowing each other, the men who murder women in Venezuela They are, together, more lethal than any criminal gang and, at the same time, the main problem for the security forces and the organs of Justice.

This crime monopolizes the reports offered by the Prosecutor’s Office, which daily reports subjects arrested or convicted of multiple forms of aggression against women who were part of their lives and who often ended up buried as one more statistic of this scourge.

According to data from the United Nations, some 64 organizations provide assistance in matters of sexist violence in Venezuelaa form of aid that has reached 175,000 people this year, almost always through awareness days, a necessary but insufficient task that leaves out an unknown number of victims.

A feminist activist paints a graffiti during a demonstration on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women in Caracas, on November 25, 2021. (Photo by Yuri CORTEZ / AFP) (YURI CORTEZ /)

feminist emergency plan

Faced with such a reality, the State has to implement a feminist emergency plan, according to the editorial director of Utopix, Aimee Zambrano, who considers that a constant campaign is needed that involves all public institutions, and the largest number of socialization spaces, like schools and universities.

The idea, she explained to EFE, has the support of numerous feminist organizations that understand the need to educate about the different types of violence and to indicate the path to follow to denounce these cases, although an approach is necessary that encourages the reinforcement of these notions from home and extend these messages to any area.

“It is not necessary to reach femicide for these aggressors to end up in prison. Many times they are women who have already made previous complaints and the feminicides were either released or not arrested.”warns the anthropologist while acknowledging that the majority of murderers of women in Venezuela are behind bars.

In addition, Zambrano criticizes that women often find obstacles when it comes to reporting, when they are questioned about the way they are dressed to file a complaint or, even, when they want to submit them to mediation processes with their perpetrators, “a figure that is also expressly prohibited by law.

The researcher celebrates that women “increasingly denounce more”, even through social networks, which shows less fear on their part but not an improvement in the problem, which is aggravated, according to her, in the absence of security protocols. the authorities to act in cases of disappearances, which generally end in femicides or other forms of gender violence.

The activist adds that these crimes, although they mostly have ex-partners as murderers, sometimes occur at the hands of relatives, “especially in the case of older adults and little girls.”

Source: Elcomercio

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